Dear Danida Alumni and Partners,

This is the latest news from Danida Fellowship Centre and Danida Alumni Network. By following the links below you can read about some of the things that DFC and the alumni have been up to since the last newsletter.

Danida Alumni Network launch in Burkina Faso

Last month, more than 40 Danida alumni and guests gathered in high spirits at the Danish Ambassador´s residence, a short drive from downtown Ouagadougou. Wearing a dress inspired by the Danish flag, the Ambassador, Ulla Næsby Tawiah, welcomed the guests to the launch of the Danida Burkina Alumni Network (DANE-BF).

Recipients of Alumni Activity Grants chosen

The second Call for Applications regarding the Alumni Activity Grant was announced earlier this year. We received 15 applications from seven different countries. Of the proposed activities eight projects were chosen to receive a grant of up to 9000DKK. These are as follows:


Dear Danida Alumni and Partners,

This is the latest news from Danida Fellowship Centre and Danida Alumni Network. By following the links below you can read about some of the things that we and the alumni have been doing this summer. . 

The right heads are essential

Anne Mette R. von Benzon, COWI Tanzania’s Director sees the Danida Alumni Network as a platform for mutual collaboration and benefit for the company and the alumni group. Her focus is on market development and the alumni as a resource and talent network. 

Danida Alumni Prize 2018 - Call for Nominations

This year the prize will be awarded to an alum who, based on his or her Danida funded studies, has made important achievements contributing to positive change in his or her home country or area of employment using entrepreneurship and innovation as a tool of change.

Danida Alumni Activity Grants - Call for Applications

After a successful first round of alumni activity grants resulting in the support to seven different activities proposed by members of Danida Alumni Network, we are inviting applications under this second Call for Applications. The deadline of the Call is 20 August 2018 at 12:00 PM (CEST).