A Life Changing Decision

27 year old computer engineer, Daniël van Schouwenburg decided to change his career path and broaden his horizons. He went to Denmark in September 2010, three days after his wedding, to pursue a full-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) through the Emerging Leaders Scholarship Programme (ELSP) administered by Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC).

Japanese alumni networks for knowledge exchange and business interests

More than one million professionals from the Global South have attended career developing courses in Japan since 1954. They have all been invited to stay in touch through formal alumni networks. These networks have proved to be of great value for the individual alumni and international Japanese business interests.

4.5 million students abroad

University enrollment is growing around the world. As student mobility increases, higher education institutions compete to attract the brightest foreign students.


Danida alumni are powerful ambassadors for the merits of Danish know-how

I always say that Danida alumni are ambassadors for Denmark: They speak extremely well about Denmark because they have had really good experiences in Denmark, says Lars Steen Nielsen, Denmark’s ambassador to Mexico.

Alumni portrait

We do not need middlemen to store and sell our mangoes and oranges. We are much better off doing it ourselves, says Margaret Miano. She set up the Pegama Farm, a rural learning and circular economy based trading hub in Makueni County, Kenya, after attending Danida Fellowship Centre’s learning course Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Value Chains.


Liquid gold – Danida alumni working to untap the potential of Ghana’s honey market

On the UN International Bee Day 2021, a team of Danida alumni organized Ghana’s first Honey Festival and knowledge sharing forum in partnership with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (CSIR-FORIG). Despite the global honey market doing well, pollinators remain on the decline whilst honey adulteration practices are growing - a trend that can have grave consequences.

New Danida Fellowship Centre Strategy 2021-25

Sharing knowledge is essential for finding sustainable solutions to the challenges facing us today. Sharing knowledge and transforming knowledge into action, however, does not happen by itself. It requires a concerted effort. In Danida Fellowship Centre’s 2021-25 strategy we focus on how the skills and capacities we support can be transformed into action

Alumni testimonials

Ali Diallo, expert in financing, business development and partnerships, with over 20 years of experience in the field of support to the private sector, particularly in developing countries. He is now the Managing Director of an advisory firm, Imextra, registered in Burkina Faso.

Welcome to Danida Alumni Network


Danida alumni are current or former Danida fellows, who have pursued Master's or PhD degrees, or completed qualifying courses for professionals arranged by or at Danish institutions of higher and further education.

To be accepted at the Danida Alumni Network Facebook and LinkedIn Group you will have to be a member of the Danida Alumni Network.

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