Online course in Public and Private Partnership
Ali Diallo, expert in financing, business development and partnerships, with over 20 years of experience in the field of support to the private sector, particularly in developing countries. He is now the Managing Director of an advisory firm, Imextra, registered in Burkina Faso.
"Truth to be told, I have never carried on a PPP project, however this is a matter I discussed at times with a few bankers and customers. It never went far, since none of us was really enough knowledgeable to carry any such type of project. Now that I attended a Danida Fellowship Centre’s course in Public and Private Partnership, I feel like a have a better knowledge in this area”
As a start, Ali Diallo is particularly interested in the waste sector, as a project in this area will have a very positive impact on communities in terms of job creation, public health and environmental protection. Therefore he has already worked on an action plan that he intends to use and apply on the field in Burkina Faso.