Results from the Alumni Information Survey

Dear Alumni and partners

Thank you for participating in our survey. We were blown away by the number of responses we received. The survey was sent out to 2029 members and 549 submitted an answer within only 10 days. It means a great deal to experience such a level of interest in the development of Danida Alumni Network.

Results from Alumni Information Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey. We were blown away by the number of responses we received. The survey was sent out to 2029 members and 549 submitted an answer within only 10 days. It means a great deal to experience such a level of interest in the development of Danida Alumni Network.

Reminder: Alumni Information Survey

Dear Alumni

First of all, we would like to thank you all those who have already filled out our survey. We are overwhelmed by how many of you wanted to share your thoughts and input with us. Thank you so much.

Alumni Information Survey

Dear Danida Alumni

We have created a survey to make sure the network is as useful and relevant as possible.

Please take five minutes to fill out the survey by using this link: Alumni Information Survey

This will indicate to us in what ways you use the Danida Alumni Network and its social media platforms. This is your chance to influence the network and its future content (and it is completely anonymous). 

We very much appreciate your time and your input. 

Thank you

Launch of the Danida Kenya Alumni Network

Kenya is the latest country to establish a local chapter of the Danida Alumni Network. On February 8th 2018, about eighty former Danida fellows gathered at the Danish Ambassador’s Residence in Nairobi to establish a formal Danida Alumni Network in Kenya. The network’s goal is to further strengthen the bonds between Kenya and Denmark by promoting cooperation, networking and the sharing of ideas among professionals and Danish partners.