Dear Danida Alumni and Partners,

This is the latest news from Danida Fellowship Centre and Danida Alumni Network. By following the links below you can read about some of the things that we and the alumni have been doing this summer. . 

1. Activity Grants: Science for Girls, Climate Change, Plant Clinic and more
Read about the results achieved by Danida alumni through the activity grants they were awarded by Danida Alumni Network earlier this year.

2. The right heads are essential 
Anne Mette R. von Benzon, COWI Tanzania’s Director sees the new Danida Tanzania Alumni Network as a platform for mutual collaboration and benefit for the company and the alumni group. 

3. Danida Alumni Network keeps expanding - VIDEO
So far, five local Danida Alumni Networks have been launched and more are in the pipeline. In this feel-good video, you can meet some of the faces and forces behind the network in Tanzania.

4. Sharpened my skills and confidence
The DFC Scholarship Programme exposed me to the world-class education at University of Copenhagen and improved my interpersonal relations and ability to work in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural environment, writes Ms Jane Lwoyero, Veterinary Surgeon, Kenya

5. Danida’s mobility grant for better research collaboration 
Dr Alejandra de Jesús Cantoral Preciado came to Denmark to strengthen research collaboration in non-communicable diseases between Denmark and Mexico. She is the very first Danida fellow researcher on a mobility grant. 

Please remember to sign up for the Danida Alumni Network Facebook Group and LinkedIn Group. Here you will be updated on the latest news from the Danida Alumni Network, and be able to participate in discussions, share pictures, ideas and events. 

Sincerely yours,

Lene, Vibeke and Josias