Online course in Public and Private Partnership

Ali Diallo, expert in financing, business development and partnerships, with over 20 years of experience in the field of support to the private sector, particularly in developing countries. He is now the Managing Director of an advisory firm, Imextra, registered in Burkina Faso.

"Truth to be told, I have never carried on a PPP project, however this is a matter I discussed at times with a few bankers and customers. It never went far, since none of us was really enough knowledgeable to carry any such type of project.

Executive summary of the Danida Alumni Information Survey 2020

In addition to the preliminary results of the Danida Alumni Information Survey, which you received in the last DAN newsletter, please find the more detailed results below. In the coming months, the DAN team will prioritize and process the survey results and will consult the local alumni network coordinating teams to make room for their experiences, views and ideas for improvement of the network.

Nordic Alumni Day in Vietnam

This event taking place on 31 October is organised by the Nordic Chamber of Commerce Vietnam and Co-hosted by the Nordic Embassies in Vietnam and the Sweden Alumni Network Vietnam and is open to all Nordic Alumni.


Dear alumni and partners,

The Danida Alumni Network has grown considerably since its founding in 2016.

So far more than 3,200 former and present fellows have become members of the Danida Alumni Portal, and alumni from around world have started up local chapters of the DAN network in their home countries.

We want to make the network as useful and relevant for you as possible and therefore we need your help and input.

For the love of Danish furniture design

Jamal Jamaludin, Indonesia, Short Course, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Lecturer of Interior Design department, Itenas Bandung

I got a fellowship from Danida for a short course on furniture design at Royal Danish School of Fine Arts (Arkitektskolen) in Copenhagen, spring semester 1997, with five other young Indonesian designers and lecturers.

Danida Alumni Activity Grants in the time of COVID-19

The coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic delays upcoming activities and disbursements under the latest round of Danida Alumni Activity Grants. However, counterbalancing this unfortunate news, most grantees under the previous round of funding have fortunately managed to complete their alumni activities as planned ahead of the outbreak spreading to their countries.