- Find local alumni networks
- How to start a local Danida alumni network
- Danida Fellowship Centre's expectations and support
- Advice for developing a local alumni network's Guiding Principles
- Annual General Meeting
- Activity Guide & Toolbox
- Activity grant reports
- Share your experience
- Danida Fellowship Centre’s expectations and support
What does Danida Alumni Network have to offer?
Danida Alumni Network connects Danida and Denmark alumni and encourages them to stay in touch with each other and with Denmark. It is a global community for networking and collaborating with experienced professionals around the world as well as with Danish universities, companies, foundations and organisations.
Join to:
- Be part of a unique global network
- Stay connected with current and former Danida fellows
- Join existing local networks or establish new ones across sectors and/or study areas
- Widen your career options through access to Danish stakeholders and experienced professionals
- Build and share competencies by creating and facilitating interactive networks involving embassies, companies and institutions of higher education
- Exchange ideas and stay informed about news and events happening in the alumni network
- Share experiences with new, current and former Danida students
- Reunite with other alumni
- Learn from former students and add value to your experience in Denmark
- Stay informed about cultural and social events happening in Denmark.
- Prepare yourself before studying in Denmark
- Participate in discussions in the closed Danida Alumni Network Facebook Group and the Danida Alumni LinkedIn Group. To be accepted in the Danida Alumni Network Facebook and LinkedIn Groups you will have to be a member of the Danida Alumni Network.
Danida Fellowship Centre administers the Danida Alumni Network and offers exclusive opportunities for its members in the form of Danida Alumni Activity Grants, conference seats, participation in the UNLEASH Innovation Lab and knowledge exchange events.
As soon as you have been admitted as a Danida funded Master's or PhD student, or you have been accepted at a qualifying course for professionals, you can join the Danida Alumni Network. To become member of the Danida Alumni Network click here