What does the Danida Alumni Network do?
Strategy 2021 - 2025
Strategic focus
The Danida Alumni Network is an important element in the implementation of the DFC strategy. It is a global network of highly skilled professionals with a special connection to Denmark by virtue of their participation in a DFC supported activity.
The Danida Alumni Network helps its members build and maintain professional and personal networks through which they can continue to exchange ideas and knowhow long after completing their learning programme or research project. Given the variety of disciplines, sectors and contexts in which members work, the Danida Alumni Network provides a platform for cross-sector and cross-country connections and knowledge sharing as well as for fostering multidisciplinary approaches to solving complex problems. Local alumni networks within the global network connect in-country members.
To support the achievement of DFC objective 3 of promoting networks and collaboration across sectors, disciplines and borders, we aim to
• enable alumni to share professional knowledge and experiences with network members;
• enable alumni to establish new connections/collaborations within and beyond the alumni networks;
• enable alumni to use, gain and create new knowledge across sectors, disciplines and borders.
We will strive to nurture connections amongst Danida alumni around the world to encourage shared initiatives, career development and knowledge exchange. We will facilitate connections virtually through the Danida Alumni Network web platform and member communities on social media, as well as through special initiatives that bring diverse groups of alumni together. This includes DFC partnerships with initiatives such as the UNLEASH Innovation Lab.
We will provide support to the upstart of the coordinating groups and boards of local country based Danida alumni networks. We will support activities that are rooted in the local context and we will connect alumni with Danish embassies around the world to mobilise support for local alumni initiatives and to create linkages between alumni and Danish stakeholders in their countries.
The overall goal of the Danida Alumni Network is aligned with the Danida Fellowship Centre’s 2021 – 2025 strategy: