News from Danida Alumni Network

Dear Danida Alumni,

News from Danida Alumni has become a permanent part of the DFC Newsletter. Read what is happening right now. The alumni stories are marked with *

1: New DFC Roster offers Opportunities for Danish Embassies and Partners
2: Danida Alumni Network: Bridging cultures, connecting people. Interview with the Danish ambassador in Ghana*
3: When Plastic is not Fantastic. Report from Tanzania
4: Presenting the Annual Report 2015
5: New Financial and Personnel Officer joins DFC

Read stories in PDF-format here

Find the newsletter in the "News" section at

As a member of Danida Alumni Network you will automatically receive the DFC Newsletter three to four times a year.

Remember to sign up for the Danida Alumni Network Facebook Group. Here you will be updated on the latest news from the Danida Alumni Network, and be able to participate in discussions, share pictures, ideas and events. Please sign up here.