Dear alumni and partners,

The Danida Alumni Network has grown considerably since its founding in 2016.

So far more than 3,200 former and present fellows have become members of the Danida Alumni Portal, and alumni from around world have started up local chapters of the DAN network in their home countries.

We want to make the network as useful and relevant for you as possible and therefore we need your help and input.

Please take five minutes to fill out the survey by using this link: Alumni Information Survey

This is your chance to influence the network and its content (and it is completely anonymous).

We very much appreciate your time.

Thank you

Best regards,

Lene, Vibeke and Christine
Danida Alumni Team

NB: if you have already responded to the survey sent out by mailchimp, kindly disregards this letter. We are resending the survey from the DAN Website because mailchimp has not delivered the survey to all receipients.

 If you have not received the survey by mailchimp please have a look in your spam folder, If you do not find it there, kindly let us know by sending an email to: