
September 25, 2020
We believe that it is unrealistic to run another call for activity grants in 2020. Instead we encourage local networks and alumni to send applications on an ongoing basis should it be possible for you to carry out alumni activities in your local areas or online until we find it possible to send out an official call in 2021.
September 21, 2020
Danida Fellowship Centre invites Danida alumni change makers to facilitate online webinars for fellow alumni and their Danish partners. The purpose is to share knowledge about different ways of tackling the SDGs and thereby inspire one another.
June 25, 2020
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the planned DAN workshop in Copenhagen for representatives from all of the 12 established local alumni networks had to be postponed.  As an alternative, we invited the representatives to a series of online meetings to cover some of the original workshop topics and share experiences from the global pandemic.
June 25, 2020
As a new initiative, Danida Alumni Network is inviting Danida alumni change makers to facilitate online forums for fellow alumni and their Danish partners. The forum topics address one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals. We will start with Peter Okwoko and his colleague Paige Balcom who make face shields from recycled plastic bottles in Gulu, Uganda.
May 19, 2020
Christine Bystøl joins DFC as the new Alumni Programme Officer, bringing with her experience in networking and capacity building from an international NGO.
March 31, 2020
The local alumni networks in Kenya, Burkina Faso and Mexico have already held their annual general meetings for 2020. Such meetings are one of the many tools used by local networks to practise the values of democracy and transparency that are enshrined in their constitutions.
March 30, 2020
The coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic delays upcoming activities and disbursements under the latest round of Danida Alumni Activity Grants. However, counterbalancing this unfortunate news, most grantees under the previous round of funding have fortunately managed to complete their alumni activities as planned ahead of the outbreak spreading to their countries.
March 30, 2020
With the corona/COVID-19 pandemic impacting the extent to which we can interact with each other in ways we are accustomed to, most of us are resorting to alternative solutions for staying connected. Here we share some tips and inspiration to help you stay in touch.
March 24, 2020
We have changed the procedure for nominating candidates for the annual Danida Alumni Prize. Instead of issuing an annual call, we now invite you to submit your nominations on a rolling basis. Due to the CORONA/Covid - 19 pandemic, the time and place for this year’s award ceremony will be communicated once the situation has stabilised.
December 19, 2019
Danida Fellowship Centre is pleased to announce the fifth round for Danida Alumni to apply for financial support to organize local activities with and for fellow alumni in their country or local community. The deadline for this call for proposals is Monday 24 February 2020 at 12:00 PM (noon) CEST and applications are only accepted if submitted via the online application form.  
December 13, 2019
“Great alumni encounter at the residence yesterday. I am sure you will be good ambassadors for Denmark. Looking forward to work with you,” said Denmark’s Ambassador to Myanmar, Mr John Nielsen, in a tweet the day following the first ever gathering of Denmark alumni in Myanmar.
December 13, 2019
Danida Alumni Network Ghana was officially launched in 2016 as one of the first local alumni networks within the wider Danida Alumni family. Three years on, the network has grown and the first Board Members are ready to hand over the baton to a new leadership group. Board elections, along with an encouraging speech from Ambassador Tove Degnbol, were highlights from DAN-G's first AGM.  
December 13, 2019
What do Uganda's Deputy Chief Justice, Denmark's Ambassador to Mexico and amateur cyclists in Vietnam have in common? They have all been important contributors to events arranged by DAN members across three continents in recent months, delivered with support from Danida Alumni Activity Grants.
November 28, 2019
At this year’s UNLEASH Innovation Lab closing ceremony, Nobel Prize winner and microcredit pioneer, Mohammed Yunus, cited the world’s pervasive economic inequality as the main global challenge of our time. He made a plea to the next generation to use new inclusive solutions to sort out what he said was “a ticking time bomb politically and socially”. Eight Danida alumni were amongst the 1000 young talents from 163 countries to take part in UNLEASH 2019.
November 28, 2019
“Designing Future Society for Our Lives” is the overarching theme of the 2025 World Expo, which will be hosted in the specially designed venue of ‘Yumeshima’ in Osaka, Japan’s second largest city. Eight Danida alumni gave their input at the conceptual stage.