A peaceful country with friendly, frank people

Nguyen Dac Khoa, Vietnam
Nguyen Dac Khoa, Vietnam. PhD, University of Copenhagen. Lecturer, Deputy Head of Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Biotechnology R&D Institute, Can Tho Un.

The Danish education system is among the highest rated systems in the world. It ensures that students obtain adequate knowledge and skills during their studies. The system provides high learning conditions where facilities and references necessary for studying are offered. The communication between the Danish Professors and the students is relaxed, informal and non-hierarchical.

Close friendships
Danes speak English very well so foreign students are easily integrated into the society. I stay connected to Denmark by frequent communication with my Danish supervisors and friends through the internet. It was a very important experience for me to do my PhD in Denmark.  I treasure the opportunity to be in a professional learning environment in a peaceful English speaking society with friendly, frank people.


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